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Saturday 17 January 2009

A New year - a new me!

Well, I guess 2009 cannot be worse than my "annus horribilis" of 2008! I'm so thankful to be still here - in one piece - just about!
Being diagnosed in Feb 08 with breast cancer for the 3rd time, this time stage 4 terminal advanced breast cancer in the lungs and lymphatic system, facing the finality of not being able to have children due to the prognosis and treatment is difficult enough at the age of 38 but then my beloved husband with whom I'd been in a relationship with for 11 years suddenly spiralling out of control and leaving me within 3 months of the diagnosis has been much harder to come to terms with. Finding myself by the end of 2007 divorced and having undergone 22 lots of gruelling chemotherapy and biological agent treatment was just unbelievable. I've had to undergo many months of chemotherapy,scans,etc since my husband left that I can hardly believe I'm now into a New Year.
It's going to be a new start for me now and I want to look ahead with positivity. The financial affairs are due to be sorted out in court soon so I won't go into any detail and still somehow feel a loyalty to my ex-husband despite what he's put me through and still putting me through but while I still risk having to move from my home and lack of stability is hanging over my head it is difficult to be able to fully move on and plan exciting things to do.

I have come to know myself much more since all this happened and to come to like and respect myself for my inner strength. I have also been able to be much truer to myself and cry and let things out far more than I ever felt able to when married.

I have had tremendous support from friends,family and neighbours and feel very much part of the community here which is nice as we only arrived as "incomers" 6 years ago and I have no family here.
I have met many amazing new people, have travelled and done lots of nice things on the few days I've felt well enough which is not easy on weekly chemo with one week off in every 4.
I am trying new hobbies and trying to have as many new experiences as possible as I am very mindful of how precious my time is now.

The hardest thing of all to cope over the last year has not been the cancer and my impending death - although I hope not for a good while yet - but the betrayal of people who meant the world to me and whom I trusted and loved unconditionally. I can understand fear - I really can and admitting to fear takes a lot but that is one thing but to actually try to deliberately make things as difficult as you possibly can for someone already having to bear so much is very difficult to accept.
I guess people have their own reasons and we are all responsible for ourselves and as much as it's all been really heart-breaking for me I do not have the time or want to waste my precious time with regret, guilt or hurt. Not easy though just to move on and not a great time for me to have to construct a new life for myself at a time in my life when I desperately need some stability as my life feels in free-fall.
I do not have a religious faith but I believe in goodness and honesty despite what has been shown towards me. I believe in offering the best of myself and just hoping I get the same in return. I believe that if you radiate positivity and warmth outwards you'll get it back and if not you move on and offer it somewhere where it's welcomed. I'd rather wear my heart on my sleeve and be true to myself and give my all while on this earth - where-else am I going to do this - maybe there is another world somewhere but I'm not going to know that for sure until the end of this life so I'd rather go for it in the present one!
Enough for now - but this bionic woman is back and still bionic - in spirit if not in mind and body!!


  1. Of course you are, my dear bionic sis. If you managed to get through last year, you can get through anything.

    Hmmm, "anus horribilis" - now THAT might make a good nickname for someone... Trouble is, I can't think who...

    Attagirl! xxx

  2. A big hug to you from me - Westerwitch - and welcome back . . . I hope this is year is kinder to you - you deserve a bit of a break now - you really do.

  3. What a wonderful post from a wonderful woman. God bless you and give you a bit of relief this year from the 'horribilis'.

  4. Welcome back. I too hope you have a better year - better years even. Love your positive attitude.

  5. You are such a lovely star, BW, you and your wonderful sister are lucky to have each other. I admire you so much through this blog. Although it was sad to catch up on your "news", your positivity is a shaming inspiration. Onwards, dear sausage!

  6. Hurrah! Good to have you back. Three cheers to you for coping with challenges above and beyond what most people could imagine and three mighty boos to your ex. Seriously though, he is the one who has to look into his heart and face what he has done. Good luck to you and, if it's not too late, here's wishing you a very happy new year.

  7. You leave me speachless with admiration so here comes a silent hug.
    Ivy xxx

  8. Welcome back, you're amazing bionic woman.
    Can't believe how much you've had to deal with but you've come through bravely. All power to you.

    Big Hug

  9. An exhilarating read - I love your 'beliefs' of goodness and kindness. Mine too. Lovely to see you back in such a positive spirit.

  10. Hugs from me too. A fellow South Walian. Welcome back. Best of luck in 2009. You are a shining example to us moaning minnies.

  11. Bless you dear bionic one. I am speechless with wonder and admiration. I do want to say though - It is my belief, though I know it isn't yours, that god has been with you through all this, giving you strength when you felt weakest. Forgive me for saying this and for praying for your continued life and finding happiness in this year and hopefully many more.

  12. I've just come back on here since my new blog started and I'm amazed by all your comments. Thanks so much and glad you've found me again. I'm a bit rusty and forgetful of how it all works. Nice surprise to find all your comments. Thankyou. I'll have more freedom of speech very soon so the next instalment will be soon.
