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Sunday 26 May 2013

Happy Days!

Can't believe it's already 26th May and this is only my second entry this month!
Been so busy this month! Had amazing time competing over 6 days at Cheltenham Festival and meeting up with new and old friends there.
I was amazed to win 5 trophies(2 for piano and 3 for Speech recitation which I hadn't done for over 25 years and amazed my memory held up!!),4 second places (1 with the Outsanding category mark of 90 for piano recital of which I was most proud as was incredibly high standard)and 2 3rds.
Exhausting but well worth doing and had a really good time.

I'm writing this from a finally sunny Sardinia where I'm having a well-earned week's relaxing break. The weather's been rather windy,chilly and unsettled since I got here last Wednesday but is really beautiful today and I've had a lovely couple of hours this morning walking and sunbathing and discovering beautiful mostly deserted coves with velvet-like sand and totally clear waters.
Although I was a bit apprehensive of coming on my own for a beach holiday - as opposed to a hobby-type holiday or sight-seeing excursion tours when you can join a group I'm really having a great time and bestof both worlds. As it's an all-inclusive resort and low season there are mostly Brits staying here and always people around to chat to if you want that. The staff are all Italian and don't speak much English which suits me as I wanted to practise my Italian. The Young entertainment team are all lovely and full of life and Iàve been joining in with Zumba and dancing classes and not felt lonely at all.
I've been enjoying my space too and had a fab walk on a windy morning for 40 mins each way barefoot all the way on beach to the next little port listening and singing loudly to my ipod as not many people around as is low-season here.
I've been enjoying losing myself in my Kindle and have finished the second book in my reading challenge which was The Angel's Game by Carlos Ruiz Zafon which I'd highly recommend. It's a very mysterious and spooky story and I think men would like it equally as is a male protagonist and not at all light and fluffy!!
I've now started on the next book on my challenge which is on my Kindle which is "So much for all That" by Lionel Shriver (who wrote the highly rated but contraversial "We need to Talk about Kevin". "So much for all that" will also be a difficult read particularly for me as it's about a couple who go through the wife's devastating and sudden diagnosis of the awful cancer Mesethilioma (caused by asbestos)and the effect on their lives. I had a very dear friend who lived and died with this desease and of course talking about mortality and the impact of cancer is very close to home for me but I feel the need to face it all head on as that is how I cope best and am interested as to what Shriver has to say on the subject. It also deals with the highly contentious and current issue of health insurance in America.
I'm going to go back to relaxing and sunbathing now before the sun disappears!!
Ciao for now!!

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