My challenges for Tenovus Cancer Charity!

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Sunday 21 April 2013

Getting stuck in amongst life's challenges!

I can't believe it's already 10 days since I last posted and pledged my seven challanges!
Life's had its ups and downs during that time. The small online support group for women with Stage 4 breast cancer to which I belong to has lost yet another member this week (8 since Christmas Day) and affairs of the heart have been affecting me.

I had a great long weekend of social frivolities last weekend with lovely friends and a great 70s night which was great fun. However, 4 consecutive days and nights of activity completely flawed me for most of this week and I've not been feeling very good emotionally. Tiredness plays a huge part in affecting my emotions and as the week as gone on my energy is showing signs of returning! I spent much of yesterday in bed with a migraine which has become my hallmark of my body showing it's rundown but am feeling a lot better today.

A friend mentioned after seeing my challenges that she thought they were rather ambitious and I must say seeing them in print I know what she means but her comment made me realise that actually anything other than the disease and treatment is easy really. The real challenge of coping every day with a terminal illness that can and will deteriorate any day is having the will power to make the most of every moment and to somehow try to handle the ever-present fear of dying. We all know we're going to die but most of us don't give it a second thought but being told you have Stage 4 cancer which will never be cured means it's like having a volcano inside you and never knowing when or what exactly will set it off. The drugs will help for a while and thankfully mine have worked amazingly well  for 4 and half years but no-one will be able to tell when and how they will stop working. No-one can take hope away and no-one can take away the determination I have to have an enriched purposeful life for as long as I have breath in my body!

Although a little daunted my all my challenges I also am enjoying embracing them as it helps so much to have goals and challenges. I have a lot of piano pieces to prepare for the Advanced piano course I'm going to in London next weekend and for the Cheltenham Festival but am thoroughly enjoying getting my teeth stuck in. I rather rashly decided only about 3 weeks ago to learn a new (to me - although I did learn it over 20 years ago!)Beethoven Sonata op.110 movement and 3 Poulenc Novelettes which are new to me in addition to preparing a complete Bach Partita (no1),Bach Prelude and Fugue XV bk2(for the musos!),Reflets dans l'Eau by Debussy (so beautiful but very tricky),Widmung by Schumann/Liszt,The Lark by Glinka/Balakirev,Night-piece by Britten and the fantastic arrangement of My Favourite Things from the Sound of Music by the amazing Stephen Hough. Preparation is going pretty well and I'm looking forward to getting further insight into the pieces at the piano course which will hopefully be fun as well as educational.

I've pretty much got the 2 poems and modern sonnet memorised but need to keep saying them aloud as I still have memory slips when concentration goes.I used to recite poetry a lot when I was younger but haven't memorised and recited poems for over 25 years! It was my dad who instilled in me a love of words and poetry particularly. I used to think every father read poems to their children. I used to love it and knew many poems by heart from about the age of 6 or 7. I used to love humourous poems best. My favourite was Jim by Hilaire Belloc - a cautionary tale about a boy who lets go of the hand of his nanny at a zoo and gets eaten by a lion!

I'm getting stuck into the reading challenge and am halfway through the book Half of a Yellow Sun about the civil war in Nigeria in the 1960s which is gripping and I'm really enjoying it. Hopefully I will cover more ground with it during my train journey to London and back at the weekend.

It's certainly keeping me busy and hopefully I will feel more buoyant this week!

I am thrilled to have already raised £220 on my Justgiving page for Tenovus.and really hoping to reach my target of £1000 by the Miss Heart of Wales final on 23rd November.

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